Girl Crying Forced Sex

  • 19.4k
  • 10:13
  • 3 years ago
Based on "Poem on the Underground Wall" by Paul SimonRoommates all have gone out shoppingFantasies, they know no stoppingEagerly in stocking feetI pad into her sacred keep One Solitary PurposeFaces on her wall accusingGuts conflicting and confusingYet I find the strength to tamperWith the contents of her hamper I Pull Out Worn PantiesI'd caught a glimpse once long, agoStanding behind, she bent down lowA cotton, flowered fashion showEmbroidered. I jumped into the pool, trying to hide it, but it wasn't going down. Damn, I thought- she reminded me of her mother at the same age. I kept thinking about the idea of having that tight pussy wrapped around my cock. Knowing that she was a virgin was not helping matters either. However, I started worrying about my sister's probable reaction.I decided to make my move. If Sis got mad, well then, I would just have to turn her over my knees for a proper spanking. She and I had been playing bondage.

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Girl Crying Forced Sex

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